
【外國學生入學】- 大學部

  • 招生名額:4名
  • 申請資格:無特殊規定
  • 申請本系應附資料與成績比重計算方式如下表:
1. 華語文及英文自傳及讀書計畫
2. 華語能力成績證明
3. 高中成績
4. 推薦信兩封或有利審查資料
成績計算方式 1. 高中成績50%
2. 自傳及讀書計畫30%
3. 推薦信或有利審查資料20%

Name of the Department:Communication Studies
Applicant’s Status:None
Materials to be Submitted:
1. For all applicants: A copy of study plan and autobiography written in English.
2. For all applicants: A copy of official score report of Mandarin Chinese test taken in two years
(administered by CPT, CPTT or reputed institutes).
3. For applicants from non-English speaking country: A copy of official score report of TOEFL test
taken in two years.

Method of Evaluation:
1. Applicants from English-speaking country:Mandarin Chinese competence
English competence
(SAT test score, or score of other reputed English test)
other evidence of qualification .
2. Applicants from non-English-speaking country:Mandarin Chinese competence
English competence (TOEFL test score)
other evidence of qualification .

Remarks:Non-English-speaking country refers to any country except for the United States, the United Kingdom
,Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the South Africa.


【外國學生入學】- 研究所

  • 招生名額:1名
  • 申請資格:無特殊規定
  • 申請本系應附資料與成績比重計算方式如下表:
繳交文件 1. 華語文或英文自傳
2. 大學畢業證書或在學證明及大學在學成績
3. 未來研究計畫
成績計算方式 審查方式以書面資料為主,審查標準由本所審查委員會決定。經審查通過進入本碩士班之學生,若華語能力尚須加強,本所得要求其自費參加本校語言教學中心之訓練。

Name of the Department:Communication Studies
Applicant’s Status:None
Materials to be Submitted:
1. For all applicants: A copy of study plan and autobiography written in English and Chinese.
2. For all applicants: A photocopy of diploma of highest degree and a copy of official transcript.
3. For all applicants: A one-page statement of future research agenda.
4. For all applicants: A copy of official score report of Mandarin Chinese test taken in two years
(administered by CPT, CPTT or reputed institutes).
5. For applicants from non-English speaking country:A copy of official score report of TOEFL test taken in two years.

Method of Evaluation:
Application will be reviewed and approved by a committee selected from the faculty. For applicants with unsatisfactory Chinese competence, conditional approval may be issued.

Remarks:Non-English-speaking country refers to any country except for the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the South Africa.